Tres buques operados por la naviera TransMed Express (TME) y consignados por las empresas, Marmedsa Noatum Maritime y Marmedsa Bemarine, ambas pertenecientes al grupo Noatum, realizaron el pasado 22 de junio tres operaciones simultáneas de carga y descarga en los puertos de Castellón y Bejaia (Argelia)
The Forum des Chefs d’Enterprises is an association of business leaders which works for the economic development of Algeria Marmedsa Bemarine was present at the FCE (Forum des Chefs d’Enterprises) expo that took place from 18th to 21st of October in Algiers. The FCE is an association of business leaders created in 2000 for the economic
Marmedsa Bemarine has relocated its headquarter in Alger to new premises in order to face the plans for growth and diversification of the Group in Algeria. The new offices are located in a new four-floor open space building of 1000sqm that will adapt better to the business needs. The change of address will offer better working conditions