La Autoridad Portuaria de Pasajes ha autorizado la ampliación de la superficie de la concesión otorgada a Noatum UECC Terminal Pasajes. En concreto, la ampliación será de 3.929 m2 en una primera fase, y de 10.340 m2 en una segund
Last week, Anna Baró, Autoterminal Quality and Environment Responsible, joined the Sustainable Mobility event that the port of Barcelona held to discuss the challenges that face industries and manufacturers towards
Xavier Vázquez, previously manager of Autoterminal, will become the Chief Executive Officer of this company Noatum Maritime has consolidated its position in the vehicle handling sector, after completing the addition of Barcelona (Autoterminal), Sagunto (Noatum Terminal Sagunto), Málaga (Noatum Terminal Málaga) and Santander (Noatum Terminal Santander) in October to the Pasajes and Tarragona terminals. As a result, Noatum Maritime has recently